At the World White Truffle Auction today in Alba, Italy, Mark witnesses one of the world’s largest truffles – a massive, “twin truffle” auctioned off for 100,000 euro, which is about $125,000 USD. This “tartufo bianco d’Alba” (white truffle from Alba) weighed a total of 1 kilogram and was purchased by a Hong Kong buyer who participated via satellite. Mark later gets a close up look at this sublime specimen and interviews its keeper, Mauro Carbone, director of the National Center for the Study of Truffles. The charity auction coincides with the heart of truffle season in the Piedmonte region of northwestern Italy and its Annual Alba Truffle Fair.
Featured Truffle: humongous, ultra-knobby, twin truffle weighing in at 1kg sourced by dogs from a secret forest of Alba, Italy – one of the world’s largest
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