How to Taste a Wine Without Pulling the Cork (Coravin) – Ep. 75 – Drink Bravely with Mark Oldman

The Coveted Coravin: It is a problem as old as cork itself: how to enjoy just one glass of wine without having to waste the entire bottle.  Greg Lambrecht, an MIT-trained medical device designer, has devised a promising solution.

Yesterday saw the launch of his Coravin Wine Access System, and Mark Oldman was there to test drive this just-released wine accessory that gets at your wine without removing the cork.  With the assistance of a Teflon-coated needle and a shot of harmless argon gas, this device ingeniously extracts wine without exposing the remaining juice to the ravages of oxygen.  It promises to be a winner for restaurants’ wine-by-the-glass programs or wine lovers drinking solo.
The just-released Coravin system retails for $300 per device, and the company plans to produce less pricey versions in the future.  More information can be found here.
“Poosh It!”

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