Mark again demonstrates the cost-saving, memory-making pleasures of the BYOT, converting a year’s worth of loose change into one nugget of Piedmontese splendor and using it to “over-truffle” the pizza at New York’s Pizza Gruppo. This year, he and friends match the truffles with Sagrantino di Montefalco, a rich, muscular wine from the Umbria region of central Italy that he decants for three hours in a wide-rimmed, “luck”-bringing container. We learn how the funky, almost magic nature of the truffle used to be kept away from monks and was once likened to the “tousled sheets of a brothel’s bed”.
Featured Sagrantino
Arnaldo Caprai Sagrantino di Montefalco 2003 ($70)
Other Strong Sagrantino
Arnaldo Caprai Sagrantino di Montefalco “25 Anni” 2005 ($100)
Di Filippo Sagrantino di Montefalco 2006 ($32)
Perticaia Sagrantino Di Montefalco 2005 ($38)
Villa Mora Montefalco Sagrantino 2006 ($35)