“I drink more of it than anything else, partly because it forms by far the greatest proportion of wine sold at Sotheby’s auctions, partly because my husband (David Peppercorn M.W.) is always writing books on the subject – and I also adore it.”
Serena Sutcliffe, head of Sotheby’s wine department
”Still the source of the greatest, most complex and longest lived red wines in the world, Bordeaux is the gold standard, and a vintage like 2000 merely reaffirms the stature of the region. Save them as long as you can. A forty-year-old Bordeaux provides one of the most sublime sensory experiences known to man.”
Jay McInerney, novelist and wine writer
“[The musician] Al Stewart (Year of the Cat) turned me on to the Bloodline of the Holy Vine — He told me Burgundy is for Sex, Bordeaux is for Intellect’.”
Tori Amos, singer-songwriter
“They have richness and complexity, fruit and earth, and age into the most incredible wines on the planet…Great with braised or long-simmered dishes, anything with mushrooms, and with hard cheese.”
Mike Havens, owner/winemaker, Havens Wine Cellars