We Came, We Saw, We Drank Bravely: Dan Aykroyd on What Wine a Ghostbuster Would Drink

Comedy genius Dan Aykroyd reveals to Mark what wine a Ghostbuster would drink, as well as the wine preferences of Elwood Blues (Blues Brothers), Louis Winthorp III (Trading Places), and that master manipulator of the human spine, Dr. Detroit.  Click here for the exclusive interview.

comedy genius

Precious Wine Bottles? Build a "Lifeson Ledge" (featuring Rush’s Alex Lifeson)

Precious Wine Bottles?  Build a “Lifeson Ledge” (featuring Rush’s Alex Lifeson)

Mark takes off to the Great White North to visit with Rush’s Alex Lifeson, the legendary rock guitarist and one of the wine-passionate “Bravehearts” featured in Oldman’s Brave New World of Wine. We learn how Alex’s wife accidentally swipes one of his cherished bottles and how the musician devises a solution to prevent future incursions — an ingenious idea Mark dubs a “Lifeson Ledge”. This is cautionary tale for all drinkers interested in discouraging the unauthorized removal of their favorite vino.  Click here to watch the video.

precious wine