Robust, hearty and full bodied describe not just a Beaulieu Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon but also this comprehensive wine guide for the novice oenophile. Oldman, who has taught wine courses for more than 10 years (and, incidentally, cofounded the career Web site, boils the basics of wine down to 108 simple chapters (here called “shortcuts”). He proves “the dirty little secret of wine appreciation is that there’s just not that much to it.”…[T]olook up wines by type or region, or to learn how to order in a restaurant, Oldman’s guide overflows with succinct, useful advice. Those determined to read it straight through will find Oldman’s anecdotal style makes the subject lighthearted and fun, and Oldman is amusingly opinionated: “Drinking Pinot Grigio is often like experiencing an Ikea rug, Ben Stein’s voice, or a dose of Paxil: neutral, monotone, and devoid of highs.”…Each shortcut comes with even more shortcuts: a “cheat sheet” summary, wine picks by price range, a pronunciation table and suggestions for food pairings.