“Don’t go crazy drinking [Cristal] – it shouldn’t be guzzled.”
Ludacris, rap star and Champagne lover
“I awoke handcuffed (and it wasn’t the cops).”
Ray Walsh, chief winemaker, King Estate – on a recent St. Valentine’s celebration, drinking Krug Champagne
“Wine from the Southern Rhone is Old World wine with Californiacleavage.”
Jay McInerney, novelist and wine writer
“I find great red Burgundy to be the most hedonistic, most ethereal and most graceful of all wine experiences and as a result the most memorable.”
Geddy Lee, rock musician and collector
“I received a few drops of Krug on my lips few hours after birth and before mother’s milk (like all Krugs)….”
Rémi Krug, Champagne Krug, the world’s most coveted Champagne
“I only drink wine with a meal – not alone as a cocktail or aperitif. Growing up, wine was always on our table and as kids we could try it if we wanted tooften with some water or even gingerale. So to me, wine and the family at table are forever linked.”
Francis Ford Coppola, filmmaker
“[Viognier] has a tropical garden nose that puts you in the mood forromance.“
Jay McInerney, novelist and wine writer
“Hundreds of years ago, I believe fully and completely that I was a jolly plump old lady, who had spent all her life stomping on grapes. One day I looked up, still jolly, and said, ‘One day, I will have my own wine cellar and I will know the good grape stompers from the bad ones’ “
Tori Amos, music star