International Books

Outside of North America, Mark’s books are currently sold in France, Belgium, Japan, and – last, but not least – the Seychelles Islands.


Les Bons Plans Vin de Mark Oldman

The deluxe edition published by Paris-based Editions Solar.  Mark and guruRobert Parker are the only American wine writers in Solar’s stable.


Mes Bonnes Bouteilles

Published by Editions Solar, this book focuses on affordable wines and alternatives to the classics.


Mes Conseils de Dégustation

Published by Solar, this volume covers the many facets of wine appreciation.


Mes Astuces pour Acheter, Conserver, et Servir Le Vin

Also from Solar, this guide details Mark’s lessons on buying, storing, and serving wine.


スタイルワイン・ブック (単行本)

With a title that translates to “Wine Style Book,” this book represents Mark’s foray into the Far East.